Sunday, February 17, 2013

Johanna's Families Continue On

I try to catch the news in our common family- The Family of Johanna Stanbury Chugg- but we have spread out, we have married and adopted new names, we have had children. I take every opportunity I can to learn where I can extend the family another generation.

Let me borrow from a Beattles song: it's a long and winding road. From Johanna's door to our own we have seen centuries turn, illnesses interrupt, families merge and other families separate. I was asked if I was intruding on anyone, invading their privacy. Someone else called my search 'digging up bones'. Those for whom this would be true, I will do my best to keep unwanted spotlights off you; also I will do all in my power to not put anyone in harm's way by disclosing addresses, phone numbers.

I am keeping a record of this family because I believe it is my family. I fully realize I may not meet you all- so many Chuggs, so little time- but I have been thrilled with those I  have met and hope to meet more. I will not promise to leave you out of it, though I will drop you from the mailing list if you request.

I want to travel to England this coming summer, especially to see the county of Devon. I want to hike for pleasure where our ancestors may have traveled for vital needs, farmed to keep food on the table, traded to improve their position. I will never be able to walk in their shoes but perhaps take a few steps on their ways. As my plans develop I will inform this blog.

In the meantime, as always, please know you are welcome here! You are, as much as I am Johanna's family.

1 comment:

  1. Health concerns have inserted themselves into the plans for this summer, so I will walk Devon through book and film when I can. But I will also continue my walks through the Johanna Stanbury Chugg family history as I learn of it and watch it unfold. KK
