Thursday, June 21, 2012

Line Through Johanna's Grandson David Rinal Chugg

I shared e-mail correspondence with Karol Ransom, daughter of Virginia Mae Chugg, who told me that Rinal was pronounced as Reynald early on. I have always thought it would have been as Rhine-aul' which shows one of the drawbacks of doing family history in your room. I should get out and meet these people I research! A good idea, lets do it. Lets meet.

David Rinal and his wife Sarah Ann Jacobson had a large family. Of the thirteen born to them eleven married. I have not located families for all these marriages. The two who died young, Basil E Chugg (1890-1891) and George David (1895-1896) were both born in Nounan, Idaho and died there as well.

Here is the descendant record I have.

David Rinal Chugg (1870-1953)d Alameda CA
sp Sarah Ann Jacobson (1872-1955)d San Leandro CA, m 1889

.Rinal David Chugg (1892-1969)d McGill NV
.sp Harriet Lauretta Stowell (1885-1971) m 1914
..Viginia Mae Chugg (1916-1990)d Ventura CA
..sp Alfred George Ransom (1912-1993)d Ventura CA, m 1933
..Elzo Rinal Chugg (1917-1975)d Paul ID
..sp Pauline Rau (1918-1988)d Rupert ID, m 1939 div
..Yvonne Esther Chugg
..Jay L Chugg (1926-2000)d Rupert ID
..sp Elma Garlack

.Lyman Drew Chugg (1897-1971)d LosAngeles CA
.sp Hazel H (1901-1976)d LosAngeles CA

.June Venice Chugg(1899-1983)
.sp Earl Shepherd (1899-1939)d Paris ID, m 1919
..Winona Shepherd
..sp Mr Percy
..Ramona Shepherd
..sp Wendall Adams
..Phillip Earl Shepherd (1923-1986)d
..Helene Shepherd (1925-2012)d St George UT
..sp Robert Westfall (1921-2004)d Walnut Creek CA, m 1964
..Audene Shepherd
..sp Carter Cowley

.Claude Martin Chugg (1901-1979)d Rupert ID
.sp Tena Elsie Bohon (1901-1971)d Rupert ID, m 1922
..Jack Claude Chugg (1924-1977)d Tucson AZ
..sp Mildred Bowman, m 1945 div
..sp Margaret Sunstad (1919-2008)d Tucson AZ, m 1952
..Alene May Chugg
..sp Wallace Duane Orvik (1926-2004)d Worley ID, m1950
..Naomi Pet Chugg (1928-2006)
..sp Gordon Joseph Price (1914-1986)
..Donna Jean Chugg
..sp Merle Gene Sager
..Dan Raymond Chugg(1933-1992)d Pocatello ID
..sp Elizabeth Frederickson
..Frederick Milan Chugg (1936-2005)d Oregon
..sp Carol Louise Munsen

.Doris May Chugg (1904-1927)d Soda Springs ID
.sp Bernard J Leisen (1902-1968)d Idaho Falls ID, m 1923

.Peter Jefferson Chugg (1906-1943) bd Rupert ID
.sp Florence Mortensen (1906-1929) m 1927
.sp Emma Norwood (1909-1934) m 1930
.sp Elva Dayley, m 1935

.Cora Marie Chugg (1909-1983)d Alameda CA
.sp Frank Lane, m 1926
.sp Faye Phillip Jefferis (1903-1990)d Alameda CA, m 1929
..Doris Jefferis
..Bonnie Gay Jefferis
..sp David Roller
..Sandra Gail Jefferis (b/d 1942)d Stanislaus CA

. Frederick Elzo Chugg (1911-1970)d Alameda CA
.sp Helen Louise Gardner (1904-1962)d CA, m 1935
.sp Mary Catherine (1904-2002)d CA

. Nounan Ivan Chugg (1913-1980)d Rupert ID
.sp Helen Louise Halpin (1915-2004)d St George UT, m 1933
..David Ivan Chugg (1934-1995)d Vacaville CA
..sp Maryann Stolz, m 1970 div
..Nellie Louise Chugg
..sp Melvin Schultz, 1955 div
..sp Herrell Thomas
..Beverly Jean Chugg (1939-1979)d El Cajon CA
..sp Fred Elliott Leet (1935-1978)d El Cajon CA, m 1973

.Ira Anton Jacobson Chugg (1914-1993)d Alameda CA
.sp Eva Marie Piiola (1920-1978)d Alameda CA, m 1949
..Karen Eva Chugg
..Phillip J Chugg (1952-2005)d Livermore CA
..Andrew David Chugg (b/d 1954)d Hayward CA
..Carol Ann Chugg
..sp Craig J Rivers

.Gladys Nicolena Chugg
.sp James Orville Hindmarsh (1908-1961)d Alameda CA, m 1933
..Betty Lou Hindmarsh
..Barbara Lynn Hindmaarsh
..sp Walter Arcel


  1. A recent e-mail from Karol Ransom had this:
    "The name "Rinal" isn't pronounced as thou you mean "renal" as in renal failure. It's enunciated as follows:
    Ri- (the vowel "i") naul ("a" isn't the vowel sound). Many of the descendants of Yvonne Esther Chugg Abramson are carrying on with this name.
    Where did you get the idea that David Rinal Chugg and Sarah Ann Jacobsen Chugg died in California. They died in Nounan, Bear Lake, Idaho. K. Ransom"
    I checked my records and saw that I had used California Death Index records on for my information. I appreciate Karol's attention, correction and interest. My philosophy is that corrections will only make a record better. Thank you Karol.

  2. Karol J. Ransom also noted in a recent e-mail that Yvonne Esther Chugg, daughter of Rinal D and Harriet Stowell Chugg, 1919 - 2009, died Redwood City, CA married Mason Harry Abramson, M.D. 1916-1994. I find two sons in the California Birth Index: Donald A and Mark R.

  3. I recently received this post, can anyone direct Carla to the holder of pictures for David Rinal's branch? I will pass an email address on if you want. Thanks.

    Hi Ked, My name is Carla Jean Chugg Devine. My father was Howard Ray Chugg. His father was Peter Jefferson Chugg who’s father was David Rinal Chugg who’s father was Philip Chugg son of Philip Chugg Sr husband to Johanna Stanbury.

    I recently gotten interested in genealogy and discovered your blog. So I thought I would say hello. I am on a search to try to find pictures and stories about all my ancestors where possible. I’m wondering how far back from Johanna and Philip does your research go? On Philip’s side I have information going back to Walter Chugg and on Johanna’s side I go back to James Pasmoore and Elizabeth Honnie and John Griffiths and Elizabeth to name a few. I would love to compare notes with you some time. Carla Devine

  4. Children of Peter Jeferson Chugg in the above post have been passed onto me as Howard Ray Chugg, Carma Lee Chugg, Fay Dean Chugg and Geraldine June Chugg. As always I am glad to expand my record of this incredible family. I may not have the perfect record, but I want to have a correct record. You can help me to do that. Thank you for the help thus far.
