Thursday, May 10, 2012

Victor Chugg, 3d Generation, His Children and Grandchildren

I gained much insight to Victor Chugg from a history assembled by Brian L Taylor of the Farr West Ward, LDS Church where the Chuggs are well known and highly regarded neighbors. Not until the Defense Depot, Ogden was established did Victor have steady employment away from agriculture. But he had worked steadily all his life and had a family of seven children whom he supported through various work and effort.
I met Rulon and his wife Doris while they were Family Histsory Missionaries at the Ogden Regional Center. I recall my timidity in approaching Rulon, though I got to know him better and appreciate the outstretched hand he offered to me, a stranger however closely we were related! I felt a loss as each of them passed away, though I had gotten to know others by then.

Victor Chugg (1885-1959)d Ogden UT
sp Deseret -Daisy- Reynolds (1886-1946)d Ogden UT, m 1905

.Victor Otis Chugg (1906-1979)d South Ogden UT
.sp Blanche Jorganson (1904-1989)d Ogden UT, m 1933div
.sp Dorothy C Carter (1911-1988)d Ogden UT, m1946
..Carma Jean Chugg
..sp Delwyn Thredgold
..sp Bruce Izatt
..Dennis Victor Chugg
..sp Darlene Dickamore
..Janet Irene Chugg
..sp Dale Kenneth Rohwer
..Joyce Grace Chugg (1942-1948)b/d Ogden UT
..Brenda Lee Chugg

.Lawrence Mormon Chugg (1908-1911)d Harrisville UT

.Erma Elvira Chugg (1910-1985)d Ogden UT
.sp W Everett Slater (1908-1967)d Slaterville UT
..Val E Slater (1941-1949)d Ogden UT
..Nancy Slater
..sp Brent Zaugg
..Lynda Slater
..sp David Stark

.Rulon David Chugg (1914-1996)d Plain City UT
.sp Doris Hodson (1916-2000)d Plain City UT, m1935
..Dian Chugg
..sp Charles Iverson
..sp Norman Wismer
..Carrol Jean Chugg
..sp James Beesley
..Janice Chugg
..sp Chad Christensen

.Lois Hannah Chugg (1918-1991)d Sacramento CA
.sp George Donald Ellsworth
.sp Harry George Hamilton
..Patsy Lee Ellsworth
..sp Phillip Bruce Overton

.Lois Mary Chugg (1918-1938)d Kaysville UT
.sp Parley Hancock (1917-1976)d Ogden UT

.Grant Delmar Chugg (1920-1990)d Ogden UT
.sp Mildred Yates (1919-1961)
..JoAnn Chugg
..sp Digby Everett Hulse
..Gary Grant Chugg
..sp Kathliene Pogue
..Brad Chugg
..Kraig V Chugg
..sp M Edith Rumsig

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