Saturday, June 25, 2011

Coming To America

William Chugg came to America in 1862 with his first wife Mary Jeffries. In their party was his niece Eliza, John's eldest child. Mary Jeffries perished on the journey across the Ameican plains. Saddly, this was to be the case of many immigrants; we will be grateful for those that made it here to become our great-grandparents and remember fondly those that we lost along the trails.
William went on to marry Mary Mitchell in 1863 at the Endowment House in Great Salt Lake City. Later, in 1880 at Logan he married Eliza Barbara Frederick.

Eliza Chugg would marry before her father, mother and siblings would arrive in Utah. She married Leander Butler in 1864.

Philip Chugg immigrated in 1868, his party including his wife Johannah Howell, his mother Johanna Stanbury Chugg and his nephew John Henry and niece Mary, children of John.

John Chugg immigrated 1869, bringing his sons George and Joseph; they would work to provide the passage for his wife Betsy Lovering and their three youngest children who came in 1870.

Catherine Chugg Chappelle came to Utah as a widow in 1878, joining her daughter and son-in-law in Ogden, Utah.

Elizabeth Chugg Harris immigrated to Idaho, I do not have dates for this.

John remained in Utah, passing his life in Weber County where he and second wife Hanna Lee raised their family. Philip would settle in the Bear Lake region of Idaho and William the Cache county area of Providence. Catherine moved to Lehi where her days passed and she is buried.

Husband and father Philip Chugg died in Wales in 1866, according to record obtained by Kate Welton Kuzmich, from the family of Elizabeth. Daughter Mary Chugg Lane married and passed in Wales, where we also find death dates for Jane Chugg and Ann Chugg Oliver.

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